Join our wellness movement - become a franchisee today

We exist to elevate your recovery and wellbeing.

Over 150 Verified 5 star reviews
Why P3

Modern living demands a lot of the human body.

In our pursuit of living a happy and fulfilled life, balancing duties and downtime, we push our limits daily. But to sustain our energy and avoid burnout, we must prioritise recovery to cultivate mental and physical resilience – so that we can achieve everything we are capable of. And more.

Our Purpose

Elevating performance and wellbeing on a global scale

We Provide

P3 exists to put your health and wellbeing back into your hands.

  • A space where you can prepare your body and mind for whatever your day holds
  • Facilities that help you to prevent and recover from injury
  • The knowledge you need to perform at your highest level
  • Community focused approach
  • An inclusive health an wellbeing space for anyone

Soaking up ideas and goals that inspire us encourages us to improve our own quality of life which better places us to guide our customers along their journey.

Empowering people to live life to their fullest potential.


Are you interested in becoming a franchisee? Join our wellness movement today.

Register you interest and our team will be in touch.